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I’m Holly

I create inclusive and memorable user experiences by establishing trust and fostering genuine connections.

A picture of Holly - a blonde haired woman wearing a striped shirt. She is smiling and touching her hair in the photo.
An image representing email that links to the "contact me" page
An image representing a CV that links to the "resume" page
An image representing LinkedIn that links to Holly's LinkedIn page

New projects coming soon!

Design Projects

How can we support caregivers of children with disabilities in confidently managing their child's home therapy needs?

An image of the finished sensory gym with a trampoline, ball pit, and swing. The room has back curtains and light teal walls.

How can we apply design thinking to improve real world experiences for users with diverse accessibility needs?

An Iphone mockup of a poll on Decide it with a skier and a question "Do you prefer American or European ski resorts?" This image acts as a link to the DecideIt case study.

How did we identify where a new polling product fits into an already established market?


"Holly came across as a confident and vocal thought leader throughout the process. I've been a part of many software development projects, but rarely have I seen so much good work executed and effectively communicated in such a short time."

- Prentice Johnson, Co-Founder and CEO of DecideIt, LLC
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